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  • Organization: Plan Pro Brno, Brno Gallery of Architecture

  • Status: Lecture given at conference on 27 September 2017

  • Location: University Cinema Scala, Brno, Czech Republic

  • Particpants Urb-i: Yuval Fogelson


Urb-i was invited to participate in the PLÁN PRO BRNO conference. As described in the oficial site, it is a two-day conference about the urban development in Brno, which deals with everything that influences the quality of life in a city – be it mobility, environment, architecture, economic development or accessibility of services and culture. The aim of the conference is to come up with a sustainable plan for the development of Brno.


The first day kicked off with a lecture by David Sim from Gehl Architects, about mobility and the human aspect and scale of city and public space design.

The second day started with a keynote lecture by Yuval Fogelson which represented Urb-i. Yuval talked about public space transformations worldwide and gave some local examples. Also tactical urbanism was discussed and a typology analysis of the city of Brno was included. See the video below:

Video: Plán Pro Brno

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